![]() Today is my son’s birthday, what message or advice should I give him? Gabriel today you are turning 14, what a great age... You are not a kid anymore, you are a young adult and going through new experiences. Bear in mind these are the awesome times in your life. Embrace it! Reflect on this past year and try to understand what are the things you did right and wrong, have you been able to accomplish the goals that you were trying to reach… A birthday gives you the chance to begin again. Learning from your mistakes and accomplishments allows you to embark on your next year with great enthusiasm! Follow your dreams and be willing to accomplish them. Do not be afraid of trying, risking and failing. Errors are part of life and growing up, they are your experiences! If you are not failing it is because you are not risking enough! If you are not risking, you are not living! The majority of times when you talk to an older person, they will say “If I was your age, I WOULD be doing so and so….”, when you get older you must say with excitement “ WHEN I was your age, I WAS doing so and so…” I was there… very important. You were doing things, you were living. As an old man, the only things that you will have are your memories or regrets!" So Gabriel, while celebrating your birthday understand that each day is a gift and you should enjoy it. Most importantly, you have great attitude and you are a very caring person, NEVER change! "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning" - Albert Einstein
Durante los últimos 24 años he creado varias compañías y he sido parte de diversas iniciativas. Algunas fueron exitosas y otras grandes fracasos. Para cada proyecto siempre hay una persona responsable de su implementación. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones, la falta de éxito se debe a que los individuos no hacen su trabajo y no están dispuestos a rendir cuentas de sus acciones. El éxito y crecimiento de cualquier empresa tiene mucho que ver con su rendición de cuentas. Así que, ¿cómo hacemos que la gente se responsabilice de sus acciones? En primer lugar, ¿qué significa rendir cuentas? La rendición de cuentas se refiere a cuando una persona, organización o institución debe justificar sus acciones o decisiones. Creo que encontré una solución para que la gente se responsabilice de sus acciones. Imagínate: ¿Cómo sería si todos naciéramos con el mismo “apellido” y nuestras acciones y decisiones determinaran cuál es nuestro “nombre”? Pues decidía llamarlos a todos por el mismo apellido: ÚTIL. En adelante, las acciones de la gente determinarán su primer nombre, sólo tienen dos opciones: MUY o IN. Así, puedes llamarte Sr. Muy Útil o Sr. In Útil. El Sr. Muy Útil será conocido como una persona de beneficio para la empresa, sobresaliente, dispuesto a ayudar a los demás, que agrega valor, que genera ganancias, que es constructivo, valioso y productivo. El Sr. In Útil será conocido como una persona incompetente, inepta, ineficiente, incapaz, inadecuada, sin remedio, no confiable, mal hecha, informal, patética y sin remedio. ¿Quién en su sano juicio querría que el Sr. In Útil fuera parte de su equipo? Una cosa es cometer errores, dado que nadie es perfecto y todos los cometemos; y otra muy distinta es equivocarse porque no estás dispuesto a hacer tu trabajo o a desempeñarte de la forma en que te has comprometido a hacerlo. Los errores suceden, los fracasos son parte de la vida. La clave está en esforzarte en ser una persona responsable de tus acciones. Un ejemplo cercano lo encontramos cada uno en casa. Por ejemplo, mis hijos se responsabilizan de lo que hacen. La confianza es maravillosa, siempre y cuando haya una adecuada implementación de las responsabilidades. Confiamos en que nuestros hijos harán lo correcto, pero de todas formas los supervisamos, para estar seguros. La confianza puede ser un error cuando no se establecen parámetros claros. Es necesario supervisar constantemente lo que esperas que hagan. Pasar tiempo de calidad con nuestros hijos nos da la oportunidad de conversar con ellos acerca de nuestras expectativas y de escuchar lo que ellos piensan. Esto lo hacemos todos los días, por ejemplo, a la hora de la cena familiar. A menudo damos seguimiento a su progreso, ya sea en la escuela, o en lo social o personal. Lo que nos da una idea clara de si nuestra forma de abordar ciertos asuntos es la adecuada o es necesario ajustarla para lograr nuestros objetivos. Y lo más importante, los niños sienten que son parte de un verdadero equipo y no que sólo están siguiendo reglas. Establecer objetivos juntos les da a los niños la sensación de control y de que su voz cuenta a la hora de hacerlo. Los motiva a alcanzarlos y se sienten satisfechos si lo logran. De esta forma los responsabilizamos de sus acciones, negativas o positivas. La responsabilidad es clave para el éxito en la vida. En cualquier campo, profesión o edad. Cuando la gente se responsabiliza de sus acciones, tienden a hacer lo correcto. Espero que este experimento motive a la gente a ser parte de la familia de los Muy Útiles. “No somos responsables sólo de lo que hacemos, sino también de lo que no hacemos.” -Moliere. Traducido por Lilyán de la Vega para PROVOLUCIÓN la cual se dedica a contribuir a la transformación social a través del desarrollo del potencial humano http://www.provolucion.com.mx/blog/entry/responsabilidad-rendir-cuentas VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL
For the past 24 years, I have created several companies and have been part of several ventures. Some were successful and some were huge failures. For all projects I find a person to be responsible for the implementation of it. However, many times, the lack of success was due to individuals that were not performing and were not willing to be accountable for their actions. The success and growth of any company has a lot to do with accountability. So, how do we get people to become accountable for their actions? First, what does it mean to be accountable? Accountable is when a person, organization, or institution is required or expected to justify actions or decisions. I think I found a solution for people to be accountable for their actions. Picture this... How about if we all were born with the same “first name” and our actions and our choices will determine our “last name.” So I decided to give everybody the name, USE Now, people’s actions will determine their last name; they only have 2 choices FULL or LESS. You could be Mr. Use Full or Mr. Use Less MR. USE FULL would be known as a beneficial, advantageous, helpful, worthwhile, profitable, rewarding, productive, constructive, valuable, fruitful person MR. USE LESS would be known as an incompetent, inept, ineffective, incapable, unemployable, inadequate, hopeless, no-account, bad; informal pathetic. Who in the right mind will want to be part of the LESS family? One thing is to make errors, since not one person is perfect and we all commit mistakes. Another is to screw up because you were not willing to perform, or do your job. Mistakes happen, failure is part of our life. Making an effort and to be accountable is the key! At home my kids are accountable for their actions…. Trust is great but with proper implementation. We trust our kids to do the right thing but we still check to make sure. Trust can be a failure if no clear parameters are set. Constantly check on what you expect them to do. Spending quality time with our kids provides us the opportunity to have a two way conversation of our expectations and to hear their feedback. This is achieved on a daily basis during dinner time! We always have a sit down dinner as a family. We always follow up on their progress, weather it is school, social or personal. This assures us on how we are approaching a goal and if we need to adjust our approach, and most importantly, the kids feel they are part of a team rather than just obeying rules. Setting up goals together provides the kids a sense of control and they have a say in setting up these goals. They become motivated to accomplish and feel rewarded when it is done. They are held accountable for their actions, negative or positive. Accountability is the key to success in life. In any field, profession or age. When people are accountable for their actions, they will do the right thing. Hopefully, with my experiment people would have the pride not to become part of the LESS family! “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable” - Moliere |
Who I am today as a person is largely due to my failures! Archives
January 2024